Falafeli Braunschweig
Opening hours (for pickup)
Tu: 11:00 until 21:00
Falafel Gerichte
Vegetarische Gerichte
Alkoholfreie Getränke
Alkoholfreie Getränke
Ayran 0,25l
Product information
2,00 €
Wasser 0,33l
Product information
2,00 €
Exotic Drink Mango 0,25l
Product information
Sold out
Exotic Drink Tropical 0,25l
Product information
Sold out
Fritz Kola 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Fritz Kola Zuckerfrei 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Fritz-Kola Orange 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Fritz-Kola Zitrone 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Detailed list of all allergens and additives